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Upgrade of video surveillance system at the frontier control checkpoint of Kena railway station


Pursuant to the contract No. (21)-16-247 (dated 2013-10-02 ) concluded with the State Border Guard Service, UAB Telekonta successfully accomplished upgrade of video surveillance system at the frontier control checkpoint of Kena railway station. External borders’ fund uses assets of annual program No. ISF12/ of the year 2012 ,,Upgrade of video surveillance system at the frontier control checkpoint of Kena railway station“ for financing upgrading works of video surveillance equipment. The basis of the guarding system of the railway section consists of video cameras, located along all the railway section from Lithuania - Belarus border as far as Kena railway station. This railway section is enclosed by metal net fence at full length and from both sides. Motion detectors, sensor cables mounted on the fence and video detection of motion are used for detection of the fenced railway section perimeter trespassing. Video information acceptance and data acceptance - transmission equipment is installed at Kena railway station. Around here video information is spread via distributors – amplifiers and transmitted to video signal matrix for surveillance in real time and to digital video recording devices. Monitoring software is installed in central panel rendering all alarm events, system breakdowns, map of equipment allocation, localization of perimeter trespassing, etc. There are also installed 2 work stations with control keyboards for the operators that perform surveillance of the railway section in real time, analyze alarm signals received from perimeter guarding system and motion detection equipment, review and analyze video information. Remote control of video cameras and settings of parameters are being executed by keyboards.

While executing the project No. ISF12/ of the year 2012 ,,Upgrade of video surveillance system at the frontier control checkpoint of Kena railway station“ financed by assets of annual program of the external borders’ fund, for the means of EU UAB Telekonta replaced 22 sets of optic converters and 76 units of stationary video cameras and lenses. In switching racks of the section UAB Telekonta installed 22 modules of guarding panel extension (assembly) with overvoltage shields. 22 units receivers of optic converters were installed in 19 inch switching racks in the server room at Kena railway station as well as new signal switching matrix and new guarding panel and 10 units of digital video recording devices were replaced. For the control of video surveillance system there were installed two control keyboards for the operators, analogue video monitors were replaced by 16 units of new LCD monitors. All the replaced equipment is granted a 36 month warranty. The contract is executed pursuant to the provided terms and provisions.

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